It's amazing what you can learn when reading. In this week's issue of Time Magazine, there was a blurb titled "What they're Publishing in the UK." This is what it said:
Luxury publisher Kraken Opus has created a limited edition of the autobiography of star Indian cricketer Sachin Tendulkar-containing a pint of the athlete's blood. The 10 copies have a signature page made of a mixture of paper pulp and the fluid and have already sold for $75,000 each. The company explained that, to many, Tendulkar is a "religious icon." Proceeds from the sales are slated for the sportsman's Mumbai charity.
Ok...Did anyone else just have a WTF moment? I haven't felt this way since I learned that the University of Georgia Undergraduate Library had a book bound in the author's skin on the fifth floor. I never got a chance to see it because I didn't feel like signing my name away just so I could see paper bound in human flesh.
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