Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Lesson 7: Better Together

About a week ago, I received an email from a dear friend, and the following piece of encouragement was a part of that message in response to me sharing that I'm starting to write/blog more frequently:

You definitely should keep on writing. I stopped for a bit and am trying to get back into it again too. It's a big part of my life though because it's something I'll always have. Me. When you write, you become your own best friend. I think that's an amazing feeling.

I've heard the self-sufficient argument several times before, and I admit that there's a lot of validity to it: You're the only person who will always be there. You're the only person you can control. You're in control of your own destiny.

The original intent of this blog was to prove that it's possible to learn something new everyday because ultimately I wanted to end up spending my life with someone who I can learn something new from or with every day. Just one week into it, I've found that it's possible to learn things on my own, by myself. And that's great. But that's not not what I want. I know for sure now that I want to find someone to be by my side. I don't think anyone can say it better than Jack Johnson:

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