Sunday, June 13, 2010

Lesson 5: High School 10 Years Later

I graduated from high school ten years ago in 2000, and this fall our class will be celebrating our ten year reunion. I really don't feel like going since I have no desire to relive high school which wasn't a complete nightmare but is far from "the best years of my life."

Out of curiosity, I did Google my old high school, Westside High School to see what it's like now. I learned about the following things:
  • Our school actually has a website now! Back when I was still in high school, email was a pretty new thing.
  • Our sports teams now include horseshoes, volleyball and disc golf, none of which were available when I graduate.
  • Some of the teachers I loved are still there! So are some of the ones who made my life miserable...
  • We now have a home football field! (OHMYGOSH!)
  • According to its 2009 School Profile, Westside is not meeting Adequate Yearly Progress Indicators. I'm disappointed.
As my 10 year reunion approaches, I'm also reminiscing about some of my fellow Class of 2000 members. Looking back, I can't believe how big of a deal I made about some people and some things. I guess that this is a kind of wisdom that comes with age. I'm remembering what it was like to want to be a part of the "cool crowd" but never quite fitting in with them. Instead, I got to make nice with some people who I'm still friends with today. And that was even better than getting crowned at Homecoming.

If I had to list all the things I've learned between high school and now, I could make a third blog....but really, two is enough. Sometimes I wish that the current me could write a letter to high school me, but then I realize that I wouldn't be where I am now had it not been for those scars I endured during those four years. I guess that's the way it's supposed to be.

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